use the following search parameters to narrow your results:
- subreddit:sub
- find submissions in "sub"
- author:username
- find submissions by "username"
- find submissions from ""
- url:text
- search for "text" in url
- selftext:text
- search for "text" in self post contents
- self:yes (or self:no)
- include (or exclude) self posts
e.g. subreddit:pics dog
advanced search: by author, sub...
Game dev laments about how much work it is to ban tons of people over "woke" left-wing politics, but doesn't realize this kind of censorship attitude is what has people fleeing the left. (Head's up: The comments heavily curated/vote-botted. You will get banned/removed if you step slightly wrong)
by RedditButt to /s/RedditCensors from