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[–]HeyImSancho 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

also, #3 secret government programs. there is so much missing money. so many secrets. so much shady shit going on. testing. of all kinds. I'm sure there are some human-animal hybrids and other horrible wretched genetic experimental shit

I'm about 70% sure this must be true. It seems extremely likely that somewhere there are secret labs working to create super human soldiers and such. The Russians and Chinese have already cultivated extraordinary subjects though guided natural means. Now that we have access to genetic science that's the obvious next step. I welcome our beastman overlords!

SAP special access programs, and CAP's, are the vehicles used often times for the black budget stuff; in reading up on them, a great deal of the individual budgets go towards disinformation designed to keep the project secret. SAP's, unless changed since the last time I read up on them, are exempt from the FOIA.