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[–]MaiqTheTrue 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

A huge one for me is that Redditors tend to be absolutely pseudo-intellectual to a fault. They don’t want to actually read about the stuff they’re commenting on, nor do they want to talk to anyone who actually knows what they’re talking about. They’re smugly correct in that sense. They’re rational rationalists using facts and logic while everyone else is obviously stupid, ignorant and bigoted.

Part of it is a large contingent of college students taking 101 courses where they think they understand the subject without ever having to do any actual readings. They’re telling people what they believe having read none of the history or facts, knowing none of the statistics or mathematical reasoning or other background for what they’re telling people is obviously true. Im positive that nobody saying that whites can’t be Buddhist or Hindu have read anything other than the dammapada or Bhagavad Gita. Just like Redditors telling me that I should totally take the “UFO whistle blower” seriously have never noticed that we haven’t found a scrap of a hint of evidence of life in deep space despite decades of careful searching with telescopes and radio telescopes that can see outside of our galaxy.