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[–]RamblingOtter 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I am raising my kids to know when they are being groomed by an adult, whether man or woman or whatever trans identity bullshit that comes out.

Amazingly, I have had more causes for alarm since I started making them aware than I ever would have appreciated. I have also moved their school twice on account of this, including one of a teacher who kept touching my son's bottom for extended periods of time even when she was done with some sort of explanation. This was also the same teacher that attempted to begin teaching about how great homosexuality and transgenderism is. Alarm bells, off.

I have agreed with my wife already that if this next school touts the same rhetoric, she will stop working and home-school. We are both well educated enough to manage and our kids already have their social circle.

I never wanted to touch the idea of sexuality and sex at their ages. They simply are not old enough yet and enjoy playing on their Nintendo still or concentrating on playing their music things. These perverts seem to think that the sole focus of their current education should be what orifice a grown man in a dress wants things to be put into. I say fuck you to that.

When they come of age, I will also be teaching both of them what to look for in a partner and what alarm signals to avoid. I can't choose their partners for them nor would I want to and have absolutely no issue with either of them deciding they are homosexual or straight. That said, the boy is the eldest and is certainly looking more at girls from the seems of it, so it is potentially time for that chat. The girl is younger and still only talks in Harry Potter quotes. I don't understand a word she says half the time.

SO yes, it is my business in shaping my kids' world view and how best to keep them safe. And if one fucking tranny motherfucker wants to come and tell me otherwise, you're going to have a job. Because I would put your head through a wall before I let your fucking terrible mouth say a single word to my son or daughter. Call me transphobic if you want, I am! Get your perverted dirty claws away and stay away. And don't think I won't bury various things in your face in the process.

Take that one and stuff it!

Amazingly, this is becoming an increasingly difficult world to protect your kids from things that actively do want to get to them and hurt them. My kids do not have mobile phones, but that doesn't stop their friends having them. And some of the books my daughter has brought home from school were nothing but straight-up indoctrination and grooming. They both already have been taught that white people are the villains of history and that all the world problems are down to them. I feel it may be too late to undo that indoctrination. But it is rife in the schools and very hostile.

I am glad that I am not the only parent that is angry at what is deemed acceptable in the schools. But when you meet the teachers in these schools now, it's easy to see why it's allowed. They are nearly all women, a good half I have seen out in the local town behaving like absolute whores (I was even propositioned by two of them), the other half are in odd relationships, either gay or something else. Very few of them appear to be in stable family environments. This comes before whether they are actually able to teach or took teacher training as the easy option after they fucked up school so badly they were really trained for nothing else in life.