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[–]dingoatemytaco 4 insightful - 2 fun4 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

Sorry - magnora - but here's the rub:

Left-wing is traditionally pro-democracy, pro-social wealfare (inc. vaccines), pro-safety for the 99%, pro-universal healthcare, pro-environment, pro-99%, pro-clean water, peo-parks, pro-education, pro-diversity, pro-small business, pro-affordable houseing, pro-check and balance pollitical system, pro-progressive approaches to society.

Right-wing is essentially the opposite of all of that.

Regarding Nazis - note that they changed their approaches during the 1930s - first as the people's party of national socialism, and then gradually - by 1939 a fascist dictatorship that promised to be the same as 9 years earlier but oviously was quite the opposite. Much of what they became is actually noted in Machiavelli's texts on state-craft, which was also influential on Musolini. I have a page of parallels betreen Machiavelli and Germany in 1939 if you'd like to see it.

[–]magnora7[S] 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I used to think that too, when I was in college and highschool. It made sense to think that way after the Iraq war and what Bush and co did.

But then we saw what Obama did in Afghanistan and Iraq. Guantanamo Bay. Drone bombings. And as this is happening the left is supporting war? Supporting Israel attacking Palestine? Supporting China?

Too big to fail, bailing out billionaires. How does this help the little guy again?

Both Republicans and Democrats are corrupt as fuck and neither care about you at all. They control both sides. They get what they want and pretend to give you the illusion of choice by which figurehead runs the machinery of the banks and military industrial complex. It's so obvious once you see it, you can't un-see it. If your memory is long enough, it's impossible to deny.

The US government is a corporatocracy. Run by corporations. It does not matter if you choose pepsi vs coke. Either way, they make money.

[–]dingoatemytaco 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I think we agree on this, especially because many Democrats haven't done enough to oppose the Republican-majority Senate since 2011. I think Obama failed to be a strong president, as did much of his party, which could have worked much harder to deal with the manipulations of the Republicans. But they failed. For 10 years we've seen a failure of the Democrats to take back control and we've seen numerous abuses of Republicans. So - yes - in practice, the 'Left' hasn't stepped up - because they couldn't or because they wouldn't. But we also know that the Republicans have done everything in their power to limit legislation that would help the 99%, feather the nests of the 1% with tax breaks (some of which Dems supported), and that both parties deserve credit for the abuses you mention. My view is that none of this should be oversimiplified, but instead understood as the complicated situation it is, that there are those in congress who for 10 years have consistently developed extreme income inequality, and that there are those who've been elected to help the 99%, and that there are only 2 parties who will have a major voice in the US elections, and it's important to vote into office only those who are truly in the party that tries to support the 99%. Regarding the military industrial complex: that is the hardest to change or control. Regarding jobs bills, taxing the rich, regulating offshore accounts, regulating Big Corp, spending on Education, etc, etc, there are Dems who have been and will continue working on those kinds of progressive developments, and I see that 99% of Republicans have not and will not.

[–][deleted] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

you start your talk of history at 2011 but it was long before that, thousands of years before actually, leaders often promise people things to get support then reneg on it. Why ever vote for a dem, they will never deliver. No one in govt will help you, the only reason to vote is for lower taxes. Which likely won't happen but definitely don't vote hoping for things like healthcare or things to be given to you.