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[–]StillLessons 16 insightful - 3 fun16 insightful - 2 fun17 insightful - 3 fun -  (0 children)

The premise of the "consent of the governed" is finally beginning to break down. As more people see that the majority does not condone, encourage, or accept this kind of crap, we may finally be able to reverse the tide. For decades the vocal minority has created an environment where ever-increasing social toxicity has been not only tolerated but promoted by our most powerful institutions. But those institutions can only exist as long as people believe the institutions "represent them". The MSM and the tech fascists are crossing every line imaginable to destroy that belief. They can do this only so long before the middle-of-the-road finally decides silence is no longer an option.

That's the optimistic case. But until I see the BLM signs up in my neighborhood come down (i.e. when people recognize that they have been conned into believing that "violence is peace"), I still remain skeptical. I don't understand how people can square that circle, but they seem incapable of seeing that the "victims" they use as their idols have usually been engaged in extreme violence for years prior to meeting the end they were headed toward all along.

This isn't about race. Reasonable people of all races (e.g. Candace Owens, Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas) recognize that these groups are dangerous. BLM isn't holding up "black lives"; it is holding up as its heroes violent criminals. Meanwhile predominantly black neighborhoods find all the reasonable black business owners bankrupted when the riots destroy the wealth they honestly attempted to create.

Back to the current case, however. Maybe - just maybe - a public figure promoting violent pedophilia may create a counter-reaction. Once that reaction takes hold, we can only pray it continues, and people can begin to recognize all the many insane groups who have become "PR bait", and clean them out.

It's not a matter of violence. We need to create the environment where people become ashamed to support these groups. Let them die a peaceful and obscure death.

We can dream...