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[–]lowrads 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Censorship is a core feature of reddit, as embedded in the minority opinion censorship function of the downvote. Reddit may persist, but discussion and debate has no future there, outside of an ever narrowing Overton window that will always skew towards an irritated extreme position.

I genuinely think that completely eliminating people's writing and creative efforts will face severe opprobrium in the future, perhaps even legal limitations and liability, even on private fora. Moderation just means steering discussion and limiting digression via thread or comment chain locking.

Unless there's actual violation present, such as a call to violence, or doxxing, there really is no opinion so dangerous that it needs to be erased. Responsible moderation always leaves a breadcrumb trail.