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[–]MartinTimothy[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Cynthia McKinney enters at 3 min 24 seconds, in the video Global Secret Society Sacrifices and Traffics Children.

She rose to prominence with the claim five thousand prisoners had been immolated in their cells post 2005 Hurricane Katrina.

She said their bodies were dumped in a Louisiana swamp defying the logistics of disposing of that many bodies like that, while her 911 input is limited to the bland statement "GW Bush knew in advance."

While failing to respond to hard evidence inculpating Jews for the outrage not limited to the "Celebrating Jews" taken into custody, and shunning proof the Pentagon was struck by a cruise missile not a Boeing driven by a mad Arab!

Martin Luther & Coretta King were in a snipers nest Dallas Texas, November 22, 1963, at the assassination of President Kennedy, whose beautiful wife had invited them into her home at the White House just weeks before.

Any hope Cynthia McKinney will enter the Luther King / Kennedy debate seems forlorn .. makes her liable to prosecution as terror infrastructure, along with Alex Jones who spurns the same evidence!

Jones spoke of his family's NA background with a degree of sincerity that is absent from those Cigar Store Injuns, whose in yr face attitude contrasts with reality.

Cher's song Half Breed assumes the larger body of US citizenry despises her for having NA DNA in her bloodline, whereas the very ppl she despises allegedly in retaliation for racism on their part do not exist.

Many immigrant bloodlines become absorbed by the local culture, thus the genocide levied against "white" farmers in Zimbabwe is not lessened by the fact that just as in America, Australia and New Zealand they are closely related to the indigenous group.

Thus the Creole / Hispanic mix that Jones spoke of, includes Caribs who were a mix of Central American indigenous stock and European, Roman, Greek and some say Egyptian mariners, whose ships were blown across the Atlantic throughout history!

Witness the large numbers of antique shipwrecks on the Honduran coast which has about twenty sites, and other wrecks in Mexico and Brazil .. which opens debate on just who financed the the invasion of the New World.

Basque and Portuguese fishermen had been exploiting the Newfoundland Grand Banks for centuries pre Christopher Columbus, as well many Roman ships that survived the crossing in good enough shape would have sailed straight back.