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[–]Nemacolin[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Don't Cut You; Don't Tax me; Get that Guy Behind the Tree.

Gov. Tom Wolf has proposed a budget that reads like something from a kid who owns a candy store and still wants more.

Here is a guy who’s supposed to know something about running a business, and what’s his response to an emergency? Shut things down and go hide, killing a functioning state economy. No options, no thinking outside the box to keep businesses and jobs going, no immune support prophylactic protocol to help the populations adapt and combat a 99% survivable virus.

And now the governor wants to raise our taxes to cover up for his bad judgment and make up for his fiscal malfeasance. Forget about it.

Wolf has taken billions of federal stimulus money along with other pandemic-related money infusions and has increased state spending over previous years. And he wants more?

You have to be kidding.

How about having everyone in the state government who has been paid for the past year — employees, administrators, legislators, judges — take a 50% pay cut? How about cutting spending by 25% across the board? How about freezing all hiring and equipment expenditures until the entire state opens for business? So that we the people can earn our living again.

It’s simple. Do not spend more than you have and get out of the way of the people. Open Pennsylvania now.

Chuck Ortwein

Douglass Township