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[–]Nemacolin[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I blame the schools.

My fellow Americans, and I use this phrase lightly, I’m saddened to see the path our country has chosen to take.

Our great American bald eagle, once a symbol of greatness, freedom and democracy, the American way, is now being dismantled to pave the way for socialism and communism in America. The bald eagle which soared high in the sky, free and secure, has now been brought down by those in government with a motto to change America.

Patrick Henry once said, ”give me liberty or give me death.” We the people have to make a choice to fight for our freedoms that our forefathers fought and died for. Big tech and the media are controlling our freedom of speech right now. How did we get here? We’ve been given a great privilege to vote in this country a free democracy for a representative who will best lead this country.

Corruption has no part in our government. What happened, that we have representatives who would choose socialism and communism over democracy? You’ve been handed a bill of goods. Everything free, entitlements. This country is broke, so where is all that money to pay for all the freebees coming from?

The Bible says, if you don’t work, you don’t eat. Americans didn’t mind working for the American dream. Hard work is what built this great country. We had a true patriot leading this country, and guarding our freedoms that we all took for granted. An old saying is you never appreciate what you have until you have lost it. So much unrest in our country today, and more division than ever before. You might think, yes, and Trump caused it all.

No, dear people, he was trying to protect the American dream and keep us free and independent as a nation. Where do we go from here? Get involved in politics and find out who is best suited to lead this country into the future proud and free. Vote out of office those who would betray our nation. As a nation, we need to find common ground to unite as Americans and keep our country free.

We were once all born into slavery of one kind or another, and we don’t want to go back down that road. Our constitutional rights are being threatened big time. If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything. There is a lot of corruption among our leaders in Congress and the Senate. I don’t know who or how many are corrupt, but if they don’t stand for America and the freedom and democracy we enjoy in America, then they are against America.

Vote for honest and true patriots to lead this country. Some representatives have been in Congress way too long, and need to go. Riots and violence is not the way to solve our problem in America; free and fair elections are the tool we need to exercise to ensure that.

As President Trump always said, “Let’s make America great again.” Get into the game, and not just be a spectator, and together we can make America great as a legacy for our children. Don’t let our democracy, freedom of speech, constitutional rights, and liberties be taken from you. It came at a heavy cost and much bloodshed.

Norm Fitzgerald
