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[–]SickOfThisShit 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I had a few 'crushes' on guys when I was in elementary and high school. I mean they weren't really crushes looking back on them they were me picking guys I thought I could like because in my friend groups the question of 'which boys did you like' would come up all the time or we'd do quizzes on what your dream guy is like and I'd have to come up with answers. At the time though I didn't realize I was gay and the crushes I did have on some of my friends just didn't register as crushes. The idea I could have feelings for another girl just wasn't something on my radar. I wasn't surrounded by homophobia or anything, its just all the media I saw and all the relationships I witnessed were women being with men. The idea I could be anything other than straight just didn't occur to me until much later.