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[–]begonia_skies 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

When I was younger I think I really idolized women that were career-driven and didn't have to bother with getting married or having kids. For my job I had to sign a waiver that basically says that I understand the job entails long hours and I may miss family events, etc. and I was all for it, that was what I wanted to do and my career aspirations mattered more than my personal life. However, as I venture into my mid-30s, I feel a sense of loss in my personal life and I find myself really envying co-workers that have families and hobbies and for them work is just a job. I think I will always be ambitious, I just don't think I can get away from that as it just my personality, but I've definitely started to take my foot off the gas and try and focus on things outside of work, and maybe get a girlfriend, lol.