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[–]Hydiee 18 insightful - 1 fun18 insightful - 0 fun19 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I don't even know what you're talking about anymore. Why are you bringing up political lesbians? All I said is that I wish we could be like gay men and stop giving a shit about whether other lesbians were with the opposite sex in their past or not. And somehow it turned into this...

But ok, you aren't against people telling their story and think it's valuable lol

When I agreed that the gold star subject is exhausting and over-talked about and said that I'm glad I don't know lesbians who want to sit and chat about that stuff in real life, I was not talking about gold stars telling their stories and experiences. I was referring to that disgusting holier than thou attitude that we've all seen before. What I should have said to be more clear is, "I'm glad I haven't met any lesbians in real life who want to sit around and pat each other's asses for being gold star."

We are on the same side, we both don't want lesbians to feel like they have to have sex with men. I really don't know what your problem is anymore.