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[–]xv_xx 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think I was more comfortable when I was in my 20s than now (I'm 33). Might be that I'm a bit older now? It's not that we don't do any PDAs now, quite the opposite, but it's more what we do than how much. So, I'll be very comfortable holding my gf's hand, or walking arm in arm, or with my arm around her waist, sitting very close, her sitting on my lap, her head on my shoulder or viceversa, etc. The occasional long kiss, When I was in my early 20s, though, I would go as far as getting a hand under her clothes, much more kissing and heavy petting. As I say, part of it is maturity, I guess (not that PDAs are immature, but rather that you become more aware of other people and personal space as you grow older), but a clear element here is also the fact that over the years some of these PDAs have attracted stares and the wrong kind of attention. My gf is from Eastern Europe, and where she grew, PDAs between two women would have actually put her in danger, and that has influenced her to this day.