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[–]knownasness 9 insightful - 2 fun9 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

tardiness. i can understand if you're late once or twice, but it shouldn't be a habit. i need you to respect my time like i respect yours. there was one woman that i liked in almost every way but she was constantly tardy so i had to let her go. literally begged me to hang out all the time, but whenever we made plans, she was always late. not 5 or 10 mins, like.. an hour. i can't get down with that. we lasted 2 dates/3 hang outs before i said i'm good. it sucks cause she was dope and i was excited to get to know her more.. but if you can't manage your time properly then we will never work. i'm always at least 15 mins early anywhere.