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[–]carrotcake 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

In college everyone knows I'm not straight because I have openly dated women and people have asked me. I don't really go about telling people unless it makes sense, but I prefer that people know. I'll not hide it either, so if I sense that the person is trying to guess my sexual orientation I'll probably talk about my gf or about my ex/women if I'm single. If I feel like telling a story about my gf I won't keep from doing it too. I pretty much try to act like any straight person would, except in places that I feel like it's dangerous to do so. I have the privilege to be in a pretty les/bi friendly university/work environment so I just prefer not to interact with people that don't accept me.

With my family I tend to let them assume whatever. If they ask about relationships and I feel like it is better to lie I will.