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[–]whateverman 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

You're a really admirable person to invest that much care and concern into a friendship. You sound like the kind of friend that values genuine connection with and compassion for others.

But sharing what's wrong and being vulnerable also takes a certain amount of investment in a friendship. If she keeps being distant when shit hits the fan, it's up to her. If she needs someone to help her get through things, she has to be the one to reach out. Otherwise, you'll just keep worrying and trying to get an answer out of her. That's really not a fair dynamic for you. The best you can do is express that you're there for someone if they need it. If they don't take the offer, that's up to them. Don't dig.