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[–]NutterButterFlutterStill waving into the void[S] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Thank you! I was watching random YT videos of people who were talking about it but couldn't find any real info.

Someone in that Twitter thread said:

This is a not relevant to the issue at hand. Lia Thomas’s personal life and sexual preferences don’t matter.
What matters is that Lia Thomas was born a biological male and is being allowed to compete as a woman, and use the women’s dressing room w/o the consent of the women.

I think the problem is being a little TOO black-and-white, a little TOO "my view matters most". Lia's personal life and sexual "preferences" absolutely matter.

Both are 100% things that need to be addressed. We have a disgusting borderline pedo posing as trans for his sexual fetish, and we also have a man being allowed to be seen as a woman legally despite native/biological/whatever women saying FUCK YOU NO!

While these two issues are not necessarily the same, in this instance they are. Separating them only divides the strength of us ALL saying "this is unacceptable". We sometimes need to stop fighting our individual battle, and come together for the greater good first.

Exposing pedo degeneracy and squashing that is the clearest win, so take it, and continue moving forward from there. Keep those receipts, and use them to empower ourselves to move forward.