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[–]Q-Continuum-kin 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I, myself didn't really fear homosexuality as a child in such a way to drive me away from it. It was more like I had a default expectation that I would be "normal" and didn't comprehend that i wasn't until much later. The social default was straight male grow up have 2.5 children etc... I grew up in the 80s so internet technically existed but no one had it. The first time I had internet in my house was by having my computer dial into my high school and it was text based. So to be gay I had to migrate through to the other side of even comprehending what sexuality was.

This is why transgenderism is so absolutely different. They only exist by taking on a social stereotype of something they know exist. Gays can live in a 100% hetero society and then still come out with the same conclusion. Like if you put a gay person into a hypothetical society where only straight people existed they would still realize they were gay in some aspect. If you were to take a transgender person and have them grow up in a hypothetical society where only 1 sex exists, there is absolutely no chance they spontaneously start thinking they are an opposite sex.