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[–]stunaep[S] 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)




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Just why are we supporting “homosexual parenthood” when in fact there is no such thing? Neither two men nor two women can reproduce so their parenthood requires exploitation one way or another. And lies. And is just as much a part of transhumanism and the overturning of the natural order as the other things we decry and they’re all rooted in misogyny, hatred of life and hubris. Nor are the children of these arrangements happy about it. Generations of them are now adults, at least as the product of artificial insemination and IVF. The stories of people born of artificial insemination and donor eggs and raised with no genetic connections or in some cases mothers are out there. They make tragic reading. Many of these people feel like they’re some kind of alien creature, not even fully human. Forever a little disconnected from the rest of society. The same is true of infant adoption.

Don’t misunderstand me. I used to say and believe the exact same thing. Even with my hatred of reproductive slavery I said the same thing but now question all of it. A poster further down questions the ethics of gamete donation so at least I know I’m not alone.

A story. Years ago I was working for a large corporation. A colleague told me that a coworker from another department was coming to show us her baby later. “Wow,” I thought to myself. “A baby. I thought she was a lesbian.” I’d always liked this woman and looked forward to her arrival.

She was a lesbian. She arrived later that day, thin as a whippet, defiantly and awkwardly slinging a gigantic male infant that could not possibly have been born to her. It was painful watching her with this poor child. I had a visceral sense of horror that I was ashamed of but will not disown. Even though it’s taken years to truly admit to myself what my instincts and intuition told me.

She explained that her partner had carried the baby and that they’d purposefully chosen a Jewish donor over six feet tall to make up for their physical tininess. It was like she’d been tasked with looking after the baby of a giantess. The child was dull eyed and disconnected. I don’t think there was anything empirically wrong with him, but something was wrong with him.

Once she’d opened the topic of sperm banks, I asked what she was going to tell the child when he got old enough to ask about his father. “I’ll tell him that he was number 63785 at the sperm bank; that’s all he needs to know.”

“Why do I think that won’t be enough?” I wondered internally. She then offered to let me hold the baby. I instinctively blanched and stepped back and then tried to cover. Because my honest reaction was “No, no thank you. I don’t want to hold your semi-soulless demon baby.” Yeah, I know. It has taken me years to even be honest in my own head about what I felt.

I don’t think homosexual people should have to hide in the shadows or pretend to have best friends when their partner is in fact their life long partner. A visible, respected, equal place in society. But does this really mean turning gay people into fake heterosexuals? I hoped that among other things gay marriage would open up renewed critique of heterosexual marriage. No such luck and somehow an unintended consequence is that it is entrenching the exploitation of women in even more ways than before.

The rush to buy the products of surrogate wombs and eggs and sperm and healthy white infants from teenage girls and in the process create people who don’t even feel like they’re people. Does this truly make homosexual people equal or does it just allow them to take part in patriarchal norms and expectations? You know you’re equal when you can exploit others? What would homosexuality truly accepted by society look like? Is it really as easy as imitation heterosexuality? It’s understandable to want to participate in the social norms of your society. I guess I just didn’t expect that this would involve tripling down on the hatred and exploitation of women. Then again the ownership of women and by extension children is the cornerstone of patriarchy so I guess I really shouldn’t be surprised.

Because all of this is in the same continuum of potentially harvesting wombs to implant them in men. All of it. Surrogacy. Adoption. Reproductive technology and infertility treatment. Gamete harvesting and selling. Transplanted wombs. The sterilization of children so that they can believe that they can change sex. Transhumanism. It’s all misogyny, reproductive slavery and eugenics. And there’s no reason for any of it. It’s not like we are in danger of extinction. So the question becomes why.