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[–]Kai_Decadence[S] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

There probably are some bisexual guys that deal with it on the basis that feminine men aren't "real men" so they aren't truly gay for liking them. I mean it's a common joke but for some people they honestly feel that way

Oh trust me, there are, I've had the displeasure of dealing with them lol.

The issue with this it gets back to attraction is just about roles and superficial things rather than the very real biological reality that as of now we can't change.

Exactly and that's why I refuse to play into their delusional view of attraction when it comes to this.

The issue is the people who were saying ah it's okay to be GNC have no gone back and said if you are GNC you might be trans.

Right! I have noticed this as well and I especially see this happen in gay forum threads with younger men who question if they're really men when they're interested in feminine things and some of the replies either tell them that might be trans or that they are trans and that is what is fucked up about it and why I try to talk with these guys when I can and try to explain that it's just stereotypes and doesn't mean anything.

You're probably right that most gay men who try to gaslight feminine gay men with this gender crap is that they're doing it to virtue signal.