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[–]hufflepuff-poet 25 insightful - 4 fun25 insightful - 3 fun26 insightful - 4 fun -  (3 children)

Being gay is to love men full stop. I can not feel any attraction to a woman.

Yes, exactly! This feeling isn't going to change just because the woman grows a beard and larps as a man!!! And it doesn't need to, there is nothing wrong with being gay.

I do not feel at all comfortable with doing traditionally romantic things with a woman. Holding a woman's hand, buying her flowers on Valentines day, and going on a date with her are entirely foreign concepts to me (despite having done them) which I can not enjoy. The thought of domesticity with a woman is full of dread. But with a man? With a man the sun shines; my hand holding the hand of another man feels like that's what my hand was made for. Going on a date with a man, having intimate conversation and shared laughter fills me with both a giddy nervousness and a genuine love for my situation. I can envision myself waking up in the morning next to a husband, getting ready for work, then unwinding with him in the evening.

Yes, this is homosexuality.

And the man being trans has nothing to do with any of that.There are trans men infinitely more "masculine" than plenty of cis gay men, and if I'm attracted to those cis men, why would I not be attracted to a trans man who I would have no idea was trans unless he told me? The simple matter is that humans can pretty much get base sexual arousal from something they're not personally attracted to, as some weirdo was yelling about here a few weeks ago.

How do they go from "the thought of being with a woman fills me with dread" to "but I'd do it if she pretends to be a man"?!? 🤨🤯 Trans is held together by the fact that many of these youth who support the movement have never had sex/serious relationships and think that dating is all holding hands, fun adventures and keeping the clothes on at all times. How else could a gay man really believe being with a medically altered woman is the same as being with another man.

[–]Mermer 12 insightful - 1 fun12 insightful - 0 fun13 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Yes exactly, the youth culture villainizes sex. It's such a norm to crave a romantisized version of relationships and they think that not being sexual makes them morally superior. No. You don't have to crave a romantic relationship or feel ashamed for craving sex especially if it's only with people who you're attracted to.

[–]hufflepuff-poet 13 insightful - 1 fun13 insightful - 0 fun14 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Our modern porn saturated culture is influencing this; teens no longer get to have their first sexual experiences be awkward private moments with peers and friends, instead kids are being "introduced" to porn at younger and younger ages and the porn is getting exponentially more violent, perverted and brutal. Ofc these young folks villanize sex, their only experience of it has been through violent misogynistic porn-soaked media!! I would too :(

[–]Q-Continuum-kin 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Idk about that. The zoomers I've interacted with seem to be quite interested in sex. They are also often very crass about it. Unless we are talking about a post zoomer trend.