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[–][deleted] [score hidden] stickied comment (0 children)

Arty is a long-time supporter and advocate for LGBDTT, even if he doesn't come right out and mention us in his videos. He has been a regular user with us since our time on Reddit, and is still here with us now.

Another user shared an image of what his Tweet was supposedly about - if that's an accurate screenshot, then it's about RadFems, not LGB, so doesn't matter here.

I'm locking this thread because we don't want to create a witch-hunt or internet-cancelling against him. If Twitter users are fluttering about, crying and upset, then it's already started and we don't want to feed the fire.

We will contact him through ModMail to get more information, and to see if he is interested in discussing what's occurred. If he is not, we will remove any further posts about it.