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[–]our_team_is_winning 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Ruth Hunt took over as chief executive of Stonewall in 2014. With her arrival, the organisation’s focus changed. And the cry of Stonewall adverts “Some people are gay. Get over it”, morphed into a more complex set of assertions. This included the claim that some people are trans so, therefore, biological sex does not exist and, in fact, there is an endlessly growing number of different gender identities.

A very solid line dividing gay rights and "trans" demands.

if you accept that there is no such thing as sex, but only self-identifying “gender”, then same-sex attracted people are erased.

But Stonewall was not (financially) bankrupt as a result, because:

they had discovered an especially lucrative business.

audit companies and other public and private sector organisations to grade how good they were for LGBT employees

And when TERRIBLE for lesbians but WONDERFUL for men in dresses was the outcome, then what? They were not checking on behalf of LGB. ONLY T.

the new religion of “diversity” and “equality”

PLEASE everyone keep pointing that out. It's a CULT-religion, like Scientology. Who ALSO do "audits"! Stonewall were checking for Trans Engrams!

Stonewall: > We make 👏 no 👏 apology 👏 for working towards a better world for LGBTQ+ people.

By HARMING women (lesbian, bisexual, and heterosexual -- ALL women are harmed by this!) Men too, but women are having it the worst because males rape females. Males can kill females with their bare hands. It can happen in the reverse, but it's not so common (I'm excluding that stealth rape that is so popular with Gaydens and thinking of strangers assaulting women in the bathroom.)