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[–][deleted] [score hidden] stickied comment (2 children)

For anyone unaware of the nitty-gritty details ... if you provide a link to Reddit as:

What happens is that the end-user is redirected to whatever version of the site Reddit and/or profile preferences assumes is correct. Reddit, and pretty much all websites, read your device information and try to optimize the experience for you.

IIRC, Redditors who made their account after the redesign ("New Reddit") are opted into it automatically, and have to deal with the horrific and non-intuitive display/design, pop-ups, and ads. Mobile users are automatically redirected to the Reddit app, or the mobile website of New Reddit if they choose to open in browser instead. Users with no Reddit account, or who are logged out of their account, are redirected to New Reddit.

OP is asking that if you link to Reddit, please adjust your link to be:

Remove the WWW, and replace it with OLD.

That allows users to view threads in the old/classic format of Reddit, whether they are on mobile or PC. The old/classic format of Reddit is what SaidIt uses, for comparison.

Users can actually switch between the two formats at-will. Replace the WWW with either OLD or NEW, and you can flip between the two.