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[–][deleted] [score hidden] stickied comment (0 children)

Hey Chunkee ...

I know it's Penis News, and they've been totally colonized. However, unlike LGB Alliance, this sub does not take the stance that womens rights issues need to be centered as part of our fight.

It's not that we disagree about the importance or impact. It's that we made this sub to be about LGB and sexual orientation specifically.

LGB includes men, but women's rights are overwhelmingly impacted by TQ+. It can and will totally take over and overshadow the rest of our voices if we allow it. It pushes LGB and sexual orientation to the sidelines, and then what's the point of our sub?

I hate to remove this, but I have to. It's better suited for s/GenderCritical or s/ThereAreTwoGenders.

I'll leave the post unlocked though, in case anyone who has the direct link wants to continue to talk among themselves.