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[–][deleted] 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I don't understand how any rights movement that takes itself seriously wouldn't try to identify and exclude the interlopers. (The anti-social men, who have no gender issues, who take advantage of self-ID and legally become whatever sex they claim in the moment. Who's sexual perversion is entertained with and by non-consenting adults?)

Here, the pro-trans people have blindly taken onboard the guy who has a significant criminal history of the very thing he's accused of, well before any facts really surfaced.

Puts cynical hat on tight. Unless the people trying to champion Wi-Spa-guy are of the same ilk. A common theme. Abusers don't want protections. Abusers want to abuse.

I know, I know, I'm painting with a broad brush, but what gives? Any rational trans-movement would have cast this man to the wolves... everyone should be wanting his head (I certainly want him in front of a court,) but some people seem to think he's some sort of anti-fascist hero (looking at you, Judith Butler.) Do you even have a clue what "fascism" is? Or is this some Derridian twisting of words?

"Antifa" was one of the big "protest groups" who showed up on multiple occasions outside of Wi spa. How is beating people in the streets anti-fascism? Is that sexual sadism? It's a sexuality topic, after all. Long, hard look in the mirror, guys. (Pun not intended.)

[–]PenseePansyBio-Sex or Bust 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Any rational trans-movement would have cast this man to the wolves

That's just the problem, though: how can there BE any rational trans-movement? When "trans" itself is an inherently irrational concept? It's centered on confusion (at the very least) between gender roles and biological sex, and an inability to accept the fact of one's own biological sex. Sure, there's some variation in how far they take this irrationality (and how insistent/aggressive they are about it), but it's not as though it could EVER be rational. It's as hardcore woo-woo as it gets.

The only rational trans-movement that I can imagine is one which acknowledges the delusional nature of this mind set, treats it as unhealthy at best and dangerous at worst, and consistently opposes any encouragement of it (above all via attempts to dictate others' perceptions). THAT, I could actually get behind. Of course, this would be a much harder sell than the "being trans makes you the Speshulest Snowflake of ALL!!!" message central to the current approach.