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[–]SaltySkank 14 insightful - 2 fun14 insightful - 1 fun15 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

Tch. How very telling. "Sure, SHE (HER IDENTITY IS VaLiD GUYZ!!11) raped and abused HER(!1!!) own fucking elderly mother with dementia, but that's not important right now - DON'T MISGENDER HER!!!!!11one!!!!1 YOU'RE VIOLATING THAT PREDATOR's R I G H T S!!!"
I don't give a flying fuck what this sack of shit thinks it is and is pretending to be. Thankfully, the TRAs are here to remind me that I am a bigger piece of shit than this scum of the earth fucker and literal rapist because I won't play the pronoun / self-ID'ed gender game. Because never forget, that's what REALLY matters here, apparently.

This makes me want to weep for humanity. These people are so fucking deranged.