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[–]millicentfawcett[S] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Have you read Material Girls by Kathleen Stock? She is a prominent UK lesbian, not really a radfem either although many would put her in that category solely because of her views on this topic.

Now there's been quite a few books written on the issue I think what stands out as missing is a book by a gay man aimed largely at gay men or at least from that perspective.

That's what struck me when reading the chapter on transing children and the particularly upsetting bit about Kai Shappley whose mother readily admits trying to beat the gay out of him before settling on turning him into a girl.

It's unusual that this hasn't happened yet because gay male writers have historically been at the forefront writing about harms in the past.

Anyone up for a challenge?