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[–]MilkTea 16 insightful - 1 fun16 insightful - 0 fun17 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

TQ+ rode the coattails of LGB. The only reason their movement gained quick traction was because they used us as a shield and spread lies. "Well they got their right to marry, so now listen to all of our demands, bigot!". "You owe all of your rights to transwomen of color!". And when I say right to marry, I only mean in some western countries. TQ+ wouldn't have a leg to stand on if they were independent and being honest. I don't doubt there are LGBs who supported them from the beginning, but I wouldn't necessarily say we created it.

We can agree that gender and sexual orientation are separate, so we shouldn't compare the two. Homosexuality doesn't require harmful surgeries in order to be our "true selves". We didn't try to convince straight people that we are also heterosexuals, but only attracted to the same-sex. TQ+ are manipulative.