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[–]emptiedriver 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Try to keep in mind that teachers are people too, I'm in my early 20s and already many of my friends are on the professor track. I love them, but these people are not the brilliant genius tweed-jacket intellectuals who can never be wrong that academia thinks they are. These people are not much older than you.

And, correspondingly, remember that a lot of professors are struggling with the exact same issues that students are, i.e., they're caught in an academic world where being "woke" is expected. For them it's a livelihood issue: they're concerned they could lose jobs or anyway opportunities in publishing, presenting at conferences, networking and so on, if they're too blatant in disagreeing with what's considered progressive.

It's hard to actively fight the standard if you don't have money, stability, power, or some kind of established position. I encourage you to take the risks when you're a student since it will not matter as much - you can "innocently" ask questions or push back a little with fewer repercussions. And there will be some teachers who appreciate that you do (others, not so much, but usually the worst they could do is not write you a recommendation or something...)