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[–]NutterButterFlutterStill waving into the void 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

No need to add it at all. RES (Reddit Enhancement Suite) is only for Reddit, and adds a ton of features and usability to the Reddit user experience. However, mods have to implement specific CSS to make sure subs are usable with all those features. SaidIt tried to do a port of the browser extension in the early days, but it's not working correctly, and will actually overwrite any RES settings.

The good thing though is that SaidIt has actually added some of the RES features into this site natively. For example, dark mode/night mode. Users of New Reddit have dark mode, but then you have to use New Reddit, ugh. Users of Old Reddit don't get the option for dark mode at all, and instead have to use RES.

Anyway, enough about that, haha.

For flairs, it sounds like you're doing it right, and maybe either your internet connection or the site here was lagging. It should eventually stop showing "submitting" and refresh to look like this:

Also, just to be sure ... up above in the flair settings/options, does yours look like this?

[–]reluctant_commenter 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Ah okay, makes sense. Thanks for the RES rundown!

Oh you know what, I had included the period "." at the beginning of the text field. No wonder lol. Thank you so much!! That fixed it! :)