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[–]lazy-summer-godSuper Gay[S] 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Exactly. I still remember that bisexual guy who said that sexuality is fluid, I responded that I'm glad his sexuality is fluid, good for him, but mine isn't and then he started insisting that everyone's sexuality is fluid, mine to, that there's a theoretical female somewhere, that I could lose my mind for and some other homophobic stuff coming purely from tainted bisexual perspective.

[–]schomee 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

They dont seem to care about the consequences of their actions in a cultural sense. Spreading this whole "sexuality is fluid" nonsense affects the lives of gay and lesbian children and it compromises our rights. If "sexuality is fluid", then gays should shut up and stop demanding civil rights they can easily achieve if they just "found the right woman/man".

But it's very clear when these people speak about the gay community, they only think of rainbow flags, alcohol and the pride parade and car commercials. That's ALL they've ever thought about. Not civil rights, homophobia, being fired from jobs, institutions not recognizing us as equals, conversion therapy camps.

These people only ever "came out" when we did all the work and their biggest problem is sexual/dating problems. Because they dont see themselves in long term relationships as gay/lesbian couples so they never have to think about gay civil rights because none of that matters to them.

They talk about "exclusion", im pretty sure the gay and lesbian kids you sneer at in your church as you get married to a man feel pretty fucking excluded because you belong to a church that teaches those gay kids theyre subhuman and they have to go build their own community...which you later want to invade and ruin.

They simply just dont give a shit. So why do we?

And just look at their language and the sense of entitlement they feel. Since when have gays and lesbians ever told bisexuals that we feel excluded from them? Never. Not even once. Because we acknowledged we were never with them and they were never with us. They never lifted a finger to help us and we never expected them to since they were happy oppressing or ignoring us and laughing at us. It was just very well understood that we're not with them. (thats why they have to make up ridiculous stories like how "brenda howard" created the first pride parade...which makes no sense at all. It's like saying "a bisexual woman invited gays..and it was almost exclusively gay men back then...were invited to their own "pride march" for people to spit at them and throw things at them while they marched.

Thats as insulting as that marsha p johnson bullshit.

They want to feel a part of a community? Build your own and let the gays and lesbians invade it. See how they like it. It doesnt help when theyre loaded with massive amounts of internalized homophobia and 90% of them have this: "i can be sexually attracted to the same sex but would be disgusted by going on a date with them or forming an emotional bond...and i demand you validate this identity as heteroromantic or you're a bigot"...again, we know this about them. Which is why we're not really compatible in any way.