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[–]BEB 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Beyond the Gender Blather, this article is not accurate. Maybe because NPR gets money from the Gender Lobby (I just saw mention of NPR's monetary ties to Arcus, but, sadly, didn't bookmark it)

Intersex people are not a third sex: they have a Disorder of Sexual Development, and are either male or female. In fact, their intersex condition is tied to whether they are male or female.

Intersex associations and individuals have repeatedly asked that their conditions NOT be used by lgbTQA+ to encourage the entirely false belief that sex is a spectrum, or that there is a third sex made up of the intersex.

And yet, over and over we see "reputable" media organizations use the existence of the intersex as "proof" that gender ideology is based on biology.