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[–][deleted] 48 insightful - 1 fun48 insightful - 0 fun49 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

But at this point I feel like I really emotionally need the validation of dating a cis gay guy who sees no difference between me and another gay guy.

Saying the quiet part out loud again. No one wants to be used as an emotional crutch by someone who can't accept fucking reality. This is more than enough reason to not date someone, doesn't even matter if she was actually a gay man, no one would want to date her. It'd be fucking exhausting to have to be someone's emotional sponge constantly.

[–]JulienMayfair 27 insightful - 1 fun27 insightful - 0 fun28 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Yeah, it's sad that this person doesn't realize that this is not a healthy basis for a relationship. What's tragic is that gender identity theory has sold them this bill of goods instead of telling them honestly that they have a psychological problem that needs to be dealt with, and they're doing all they can to make it illegal for psychologists to give them the help they need. Desperately needing someone else to shore up your unstable self-image is basically the definition of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

It's like RuPaul says, "If you can't love yourself, how they hell can you love somebody else?"