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[–]usehername 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Even if it's true that LGB people aren't really born that way, and sexual abuse/other experiences before puberty play a part, it's still a fact that sexuality is immutable and can't be changed, and there is nothing wrong with that. The fact is, most people are heterosexual because of reproduction of course, and some people are bi and others are homosexual. In nature, homosexual couples often adopt baby animals who lost their parents, so there is a natural benefit. In any case, there's more to life than breeding and children, despite what you may have been taught as a daughter to religious conservative parents.

"former LGBTQers" talking about how being saved by Jesus made them straight, and they had all apparently been completely gay beforehand but are now married with kids living the correct life that god intended

These people are likely bisexuals who preferred the same sex, but were also attracted to the opposite sex. There are also ex-ex-gays, people who went through conversion therapy, thought it worked, and realized it didn't. Conversion therapy does not work and there is nothing wrong, evil, or toxic about being in a healthy, loving relationship with a person of the same sex.