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[–]Movellon[M] [score hidden] stickied comment (0 children)

Please be careful when deciding to meet people off the internet in real life.


Do you really know this person?

Are they being genuine about who they are?

Should I give identifiable information about myself before I’ve met this person in real life, including addresses?

Speak to this person on the phone before meeting, get a feel for who they are.

Consider what their motivations might be for wanting to meet?

Never meet someone anywhere but a busy public location for the few few times you meet.

Do not go back to their place, do not invite them to yours until you have met a few times.

Always tell friends and family where you’re going, the name of who you’re going to meet, where you made contact with them initially, and how long you’re going to be. Give them the phone number/contact details of who you’re going to meet.

Always have a back up plan in case you need to leave quickly.

If you don’t feel comfortable for any reason when you meet, leave.

Stay in a public area, resist the temptation to “go somewhere more private”.

Google them, look at their social media, see if they check out with what they’re telling you.