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[–]Movellon[M] [score hidden] stickied comment (0 children)

Rule 2.

[–]JoeyJoeJoe[S] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I mean seriously. The term "trans kid" is outrageous in itself. Anyone using this term is, as Graham Linehan puts it, under a spell.

Sexuality and identity is a mess for most people - it's called growing up. The idea that some "well-meaning" adult (or creepy groomer) should intervene with the very process that would alleviate the dysphoria is an affront to reason and seriously - a breach of human frikkin rights! To implant the idea that anyone is "born in the wrong body" and encourage this kind of thinking in kids is (and this hurts to say) WORSE THAN RELIGION. Where are the mainstream dissenting voices? It's infuriating. All debate about this meddling in puberty is warped by the TRA and their enablers with the retort: "our existence shouldn't be up for debate". Check mate? INSANE. Trans ideology is the new gay conversion therapy; weaponised with surgery and lifelong pharmaceuticals. Sorry for the rant. My friends don't get it, and think being a mindless cheerleader is better than thinking about things logically.