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[–]8bitgay 5 insightful - 1 fun5 insightful - 0 fun6 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

Wall of text ahead.

Brazilian activists quickly try to copy what American activists say/do (not just on "LGBTQ+" issues). So the community quickly turned into a nocive space for LGB people. A sad thing is that old-school homophobia is still pretty much visible too. The same tv channel that airs woke tv shows nowadays also airs reruns of shows they made just a few years ago that are very homophobic. This was especially visible last year since they started airing more reruns to cover for the shows that had to halt production. Homophobia is certainly better than it was decades ago, but it isn't uncommon to experience homophobia if you walk through different spaces, be it the "casual" homophobic slurs or the most violent type like threatening and physical aggression.

People quickly started using terms like queer and LGBTQ+. Which are already problematic in USA, but are even more bizarre considering that the word queer simply didn't exist in Portuguese. If the identity is so valid, how come so many people only realized they were queer after an English term became popular like 5 years ago? If you're really queer, wouldn't it make more sense to create a Portuguese term to describe yourself long before that?

The first gay kiss on free-to-air TV only happened in 2014, after decades of gay activism, after decades of the topic being discussed in society. Meanwhile TQ+ characters and themes became present on TV far more fast, as the topic began to gain traction. It isn't uncommon to see cases of homophobia being called lgbtphobia - which is even sadder since only recently the media started discussing homophobia in a serious manner.

A proeminent social media situation that happened recently was when a famous gay youtuber was shipped with a woman during a stream. His response was to say he likes sucking dick. That was enough for a big controversy to start, for him to receive attacks, for him to be accused of being transphobic, etc. People understood that when he refused her for her lack of a dick he was also refusing transmen as a whole. And as far as I know he didn't retract himself nor apologize for it, which gave me a lot of respect for him.

Another even more absurd situation happened months before when a gay engineer shared on twitter that one of the construction workers sent him messages calling him a homophobic slur. He was thinking about reporting it to HR and lots of people started harassing him for it. People started calling the engineer racist and elitist since they assumed the worker was black and poor (yeah, highly hypocritical for them to say that considering they made this assumption with 0 knowledge about the worker). They literally said that the damage he could cause to the homophobe was worse than any homophobia. People of all letters harassed him, including LBG. But popular TQ+ users were especially vocal against him, harassing him for thousands of followers to see, being extremely cynical about the situation and pretending that they never said anything against him when people called them out on it.

Basically, the community is the most toxic against gay men. Do you know the posts people make on this sub of TRAs saying some crazy threatening violent stuff like "TERFs need to be beaten"? It's like that, except it's way more common and well accepted. In USA TRAs have to defend themselves by saying "it's just a few trolls saying that", here they're so comfortable with saying these things that they don't even have to say that.

Lesbians usually suffer less attacks from the community - though don't look strange or you're called a TERF. Bisexuals tend to be seen by the community in a better view than LG, and it's common to see people saying biphobia is actually worse than homophobia. Though of course it's implied that bisexuals would date trans people, so if you say you wouldn't date them the situation would quickly change.

[–]julesburm1891[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

This sounds kind of like there’s a veneer of acceptance for LGB people, but it’s fairly homophobic underneath that. It also seems like the more accepting aspects skimmed past a lot of the societal acceptance for LGB people and got on the TQ train.

Okay. Wait. A guy got harassed at work and people said he was racist (with zero evidence) if he reported it? ...I don’t even understand how that’s an issue. Even if the aggressor was black that wouldn’t make homophobic name-calling okay. Like how is that even a fight??

I’m really sad to hear what life is like for gay Brazilian men, but I really appreciate you telling me.

[–]8bitgay 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Another issue is that Brazil was catholic in majority. But for the past decades neopentecostal churches have been on a rise. And they're much more homophobic and much more vocal about it. They own one of the biggest free-to-air tv channels and aren't afraid of using it to promote the church and their homophobic ideas. Not to mention the highly homophobic president of the country and his followers.

So overall the situation is weird. Acceptance of LGB is better than it used to be, same sex marriage is legal, but there's also been a rise in movements and groups that promote homophobia.

The biggest tv channel here was making shows with very homophobic jokes, slurs, stereotypes, catchphrases, etc. just a few years ago. They aired a rerun of a 2011 soap opera last year for example, that had a central gay character who was this weird stereotype used only for comedy. It's bizarre how quickly they shifted from making fun of gay men to promoting twitter social activism. They currently have a daily morning talk show where they regularly invite this type of activists.

The whole thing with the guy being harassed is that there's a lot of hate towards gay men, pure and simple. They were just grasping at straws to find a reason to invalidate a gay man experiencing homophobia. The part I called cynical is because some TQ+ activists even went to say afterwards "we talked with him and he explained to us that the construction worker is white and has money, so stop harassing him". Well, good to know that harassing is only bad after TQ+ activists judged it that way! These are the same people who are denouncing everything as transphobia, as invalidating, but to them it's unacceptable when a gay man shares an actual situation of homophobia.

And frankly this is why I'm drifting apart from most of my gay friends/acquaintances. They care so much about other activisms and social causes, but when it comes to situations like these of TQ+ people going against gay men they just shrug.