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[–]SedateApe 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (3 children)

I'm concerned why you feel that being a gay person and being a conservative minded American are mutually exclusive?

I'm a gay man. I registered with the Republican party the first time I was old enough to get a voter card. I have stayed with the party, but have not always agreeing or voting with the party.

My first national election helped put Ronald Reagan in office, for his first term. I'm 59 and still a conservative minded gay person.

I just don't understand why so many gay and bisexual people believe they can't have "right of center" beliefs.

There's no physical pain involved believing in our Constitution or Bill of Rights. The idea that all conservatives hate the LGB are false and just propaganda from the left.

I do not like the idea of abortion. But I also believe that ONLY women should have a say and vote on this issue. What's wrong with a strong military for defense, or securing both borders and all ports of entry?

As this linked article shows...why is it that the left keeps erasing homosexuals? What do they have to fear from us as they embrace the TRA and TQ+WTF crowd?

Make no mistakes about it. It IS the left that is cheering on the silencing of even moderate thinkers, as well as as many conservatives they can find, and anyone who says it was "LGB" before it was "LGBQIIAD2GPAABN" plus whatever I missed it they add this week?

What has the left ever really done for the "gay community"? Probably as much as they've done for the black community...not much.