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[–]LeaveAmsgAfterBeep 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

It is easy to demonize when you don’t understand nuance, or if you think in black and white.

It is too hard for these people to grasp that politics is not the only reason someone can wholeheartedly disagree with what you do, say, and distribute. I probably disagree on average on almost every political issue with the original sub’s userbase about 50-100% depending on the issue at hand. I’m more leftward than right, and despite that we share a common frustration with what the T says and does, and the realization of how little the T really belongs in a category for sexual orientation. I think gender is 100% bullshit, I am a leftmost democrat and I am by far not the only one among the sub’s original users or userbase here. They hate hearing that, because their whole thing is smearing their opponents as hateful bigots.... but here’s the problem, we as LGB are their opponents, and so everyone knows we’re not hateful bigots (at least when it comes to orientation)— but they know people would see through that argument so rather than find an alternative or rebuttal, they have to silence us instead so people can’t hear what we are saying and have been saying since the 90s.

TLDR it is easier to lie and silence than rebut or debate, or let people come to their own conclusion so cult like tactics is the preference.