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[–]slushpilot 19 insightful - 1 fun19 insightful - 0 fun20 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Yeah, you're not crazy. 10-15-20 years ago seems to be about the right timeline. 5 years ago this new thing really took off.

most people, even if privately homophobic know what not to say

Learning what not to say is just basic politeness, but look who's ignoring & flaunting it now. Social justice has become public shaming.

How have we arrived where we are?

Unchecked "pride", perhaps. Amplified by the internet. It's transforming into something like racial pride now as things turn tribal. Not cool.

So I think to some degree we need to put the closet doors back on. Now hear me out—that doesn't mean hiding in shame. Everyone should be free to open up where and when they choose, but sometimes you need to just shove all your mental clutter and personal baggage in there and shut the door!

Honestly, why should anyone care who you live with or what you do in the bedroom in any public/professional setting. I do think we need spaces free from thinking about sex. I mean, rainbow flags at work & school seem benign, but what is it even saying or signaling anymore? So many things are now getting "queer" and "proud" where sex & sexuality don't even remotely belong!

Honestly I think most people don't care anymore, especially since the war is largely won and equal rights now exist in most places, and I'm afraid it's going to turn cynical. There might be a bit of backlash once the normal people back away and the only people left waving the various striped flags are the nutjobs.