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[–]worried19 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

I am also curious if there are butch bi women in straight relationships?(or even even the flip of feminine bi men in straight relationships) and how that affects you/the relationship?

I have a male partner. I started off assuming I would be gay. For me, that was one of my major sources of confusion. I knew I wasn't a lesbian, but I was also too masculine to be a straight woman (so I thought), so that set me on the path of determining whether I was transgender. It was also one of the reasons I wanted to die as a teen. I figured I was destined to die alone. However, since I did find a partner, that turned out not to be the case. I don't think my masculinity has much affect on the relationship itself, though. We don't act out traditional gender roles, obviously. We can swap clothes sometimes. But it's a regular relationship in all other respects.

[–]PeakingPeachEaterfemale♀ | detrans🦎 | eater of peaches 🍑 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Damn, same. I thought I was a lesbian and that I had to transition to be "normal". Found out later that I had an attraction to men too, but got rejected because I was too "manly" I started dressing feminine, got more positive attention but it makes me feel extremely uncomfortable. When I dress masculine though, it's easier to find women(sorta) but the only ones available at the time were into Genderqueer theory and the ones I liked were unavailable...or I miss my chance by being a coward...but I digress.

I don't dress hyper masculine like I used to---many thought I was a boy. When people here me on the phone I always get called a sir, unfortunately. I don't like it when people assume I most be trans(but the opposite direction---I was born female, but had some idiot think I was born male trying to be's stupid).

I don't like it when people assume I'm a boy now( like I did as a teen, I used to LOVE beibg confused as a boy, had extreme body dysphoria, similar to you, wish I could die....but be "reborn" as a male). I don't like if people think I'm trans or non-binary or whatever the fuck for looking ambiguous at times. I just want people to leave me alone.

[–]worried19 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I can relate. I wish I could just blend in, but I feel like it would be too high a price to pay. I still dress GNC. I wear men's clothes, have a men's haircut, and so on. I never experimented with femininity at all. I just wasn't willing to go there, and I figured that if the price was that I would have to be celibate my whole life, better that than compromise myself and become a fake person.

I live in a conservative area, so people don't seem to assume I'm a trans man, although they do often mistake for me a biological male. It's mostly people in public, and they apologize when they misgender me. I don't mind being mistaken for a man, to be honest. But I would mind if people were to assume that I disavow my biological sex just because of the way I present myself.

As far as relationships go, sometimes I wonder if my partner is a unicorn. He says he likes me the way that I am. I believe him. It's been 6 years, so he has no reason to lie to me. He wouldn't still be around if he minded how masculine I was. But I still have those nagging feelings of being perceived as ugly and freakish, which is what society teaches that masculine women are.