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[–]JizeraStraigth ♂ 6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 0 fun7 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

If the whole post is not only a staged propagandist farce the OP's partner can't be a transsexual suffering from a real deep dysphoria, because he wants to include his male genitalia into sexual activity with his sexual partner, and also OP is a little bit "anomalous" homosexual obviously attracted to persons of opposite sex. So even if it is not intentional brainwashing of other people, it is a real-life absurd commedy caused by the social constructivism "philosophy".

[–]FrostyNugsI'm allergic to nuts 10 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 0 fun11 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

AGP coomers vastly outnumber traditional transsexuals. I think if they weren't so blatant about their intentions, most of us never would have "peaked" in the first place. Transsexuals at least elicit some sense of sympathy in most of us. Who wouldn't feel a little bit sorry for the poor bastard who hates his body so much that he had his dick surgically removed? As for OP, assuming the post wasn't just written to be AGP erotic fiction, the redefining of the word "homosexual" allows people like the OP to identify into homosexuality without actually meeting the criteria. This ironically reinforces the notion that homosexuals can be attracted to the opposite sex, causing more people who do not fit the description to self identify as such. The effects of queer theory word games are on full display.