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[–]xanditAGAB (Assigned Gay at Birth) 9 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 0 fun10 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

I think it's good to ask yourself why they give us civil unions but we have to fight for marriage. Marriage is a pretty sacred institution in alot of people's eyes, it's about family bonds, and passing on traditions, and creating new families. Now of course this can be done with civil partnerships, but we already have this social institution, marriage. They keep it from us because our relationships are considered lesser than theirs, so they offer up this marriage-lite, called civil partnerships. They hope separate but equal is enough to appease us. Young LGB shouldn't grow up thinking that there is a lesser version of something for them, IMO. Personally, I wouldn't join the military, but I'm glad people can if they want to. Same with marriage. And the Heteronormative argument seems like nonsense to me. Straight people have changed marriage roles for themselves and certainly same sex couples can do the same.