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[–]VioletRemiCat, homosexual one 17 insightful - 4 fun17 insightful - 3 fun18 insightful - 4 fun -  (1 child)

You mean AskWomen or ActualLesbians? Or, well, any other not banned big women sub.

And first post you see when coming to either of them is "TWAW", instead of something important about actual theme of sub.

[–]windrunner 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

This. I was banned on AL for saying that lesbians don't like dick and it was that same time that JK made her tweets/statements. Then I searched for other subs and found GC, TL, AW etc. Then they were banned but I remained on AW. Let me tell you, I want to vomit everytime I go there now that there is that fixed post. I can't believe there's women who still don't see anything wrong with this shit. Women constanly have to make concessions of their spaces, struggles, etc to accomodate men or "people who feel like women".

Many there are still on the "accepting everyone" and "being good allies" bandwagon, thinking they're being supportive bc the T "only want their rights", when in reality they're looking (and succeeding in) to colonize women's and lgb spaces and movements so they can center theirs and make everything about them. Then they gaslight and make us sound crazy when we point out the shit they do/say against women and lgb people ("no we're not trying to erase women's rights", "no one is saying lesbians should take girldicks", "no one is saing gays have to take neovaginas", "it's not a fetish"), call us all transphobics and terfs and cancel women who don't agree 100% with their bullshit or dares to question anything about their movement. And since they harrass and actively try to destroy peoples lives, many allies are just that because they're afraid of "the consequences" if they slightly disagree with anything. And they became loud and vicious, saying things they don't really believe in just because. That's what's happening on AskWomen. A space for women, but that was pressured by the TRAs to "make a statement", so of course consessions were made to include them. Why couldn't they create asktranswomen? And even if they wanted to participate in a women oriented sub, they sould not be made the center of it, when actual women are kicked out for the slightly mistake to accomodate them.