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[–][deleted] 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (4 children)

Brigaders and harassers are inevitable as the platform grows. I think we all have far more than enough experience with that already ;) Give an inch, and a mile is taken.

That said, I feel an explanation is needed ...

We could limit topics like these, for example:

  • I'm trans and recently discovered I'm a lesbian, support needed
  • Isn't homosexuality/bisexuality outdated by gender identity now?
  • Aren't you excluding asexuals and non-binary when you say "LGB only"?
  • I'm a butch lesbian who identifies as non-binary, what would you call me?

While subs are encouraged to be about communities, of course, SaidIt is (for the most part) an open and free speech platform. Us mods are not allowed to remove posts, or ban users, unless the user is dragging down the Pyramid Of Debate, brigading/astroturfing, or promoting illegal things according to U.S. law.

Openness and transparency if/when we remove is vital to not becoming Reddit Powermods 2.0, which is one reason why our ModLogs are publicly available for all to see. Additionally, if we want to dictate exactly what kind of content is and is not allowed here (LGB/homosexuallity/bisexuality only), then we HAVE TO remove ourselves from s/all. It's in our rules and guidelines for being a mod.

Long story short ... discussion, debate, and opposite views are 100% allowed ... unless we remove ourselves from s/all. I'm concerned about us becoming a clone of r/LGBT if we don't, but I also don't want to limit this small and just-forming community just because of my own fears.

[–]les4les 9 insightful - 2 fun9 insightful - 1 fun10 insightful - 2 fun -  (2 children)

Ah, seems I'm just misunderstanding the rules of Saidit. my bad

I think I would mind having opposite views on LGB (or being on s/all) more than I would on LGBDDT just because LGB strikes me more as a safe space to get away from all the rest of this crap, lol, that's my $0.02

I agree I wouldn't want to limit the ability of the community to grow though. I don't know if it'd be easier to open the group more in the future if things work out, as opposed to having to close it more if things go south quickly so I can't offer any input on that, but I personally tend to err on the cautious side, so that's my vote if this is a vote haha

[–][deleted] 8 insightful - 2 fun8 insightful - 1 fun9 insightful - 2 fun -  (1 child)

Your vote is absolutely a vote, and thank you! I want to hear from everyone here before I even come up with a draft of potential rules and what we will/will not do :)

[–]SedateApe 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Old, I know. Sorry Tumbleweed I just decided I'll be using this platform for my LGB online life.

I'm just reading through the "topics" list and I'm thinking...some of these are those "inches" that lead to all the "miles."

"I'm trans and recently discovered I'm a lesbian"... Would this be the trans man who is detrans now that doesn't want gay man penis any longer? Or is this an confirmed trans woman who runs with the tag "transbians"?

"isn't homosexuality/bisexuality outdated by gender identity now?".... This question alone allows additional "gender" questions. That is the backbone of the TRA argument...gender trumps sex and sexuality.

"Aren't you excluding asexuals and non-binary when you say "LGB only"?"... Ya, yes. We should be. Non-binary is also a TRA trigger word that actually used to mean GNC people like bitch lesbians and feminine guys. A masculine girl will dress, often, as she feels comfortable. Probably a pair of jeans with a t-shirt for summer. Only a non-binary person could then turn around and show up in a simple, but elegant, black, off the shoulder silk dress the next day. And "asexual" is just something that makes no sense. It's a "door opener" category into LGB specific subs/forums/groups for the rest of the "genders."

A bitch lesbians needs to identify as GNC.

I'm all for encouraging communication between the LGB and those who prefer gender as an identity. But I would be leary about using any LGB specific sub for those chats and discussions.

Maybe another sub with a title along the lines of "LGB And Sane Transgender Folk"... A bit of humor with that, but you get my point. A separate sub for those kinds of things to be exchanged with a hardcore moderating to make sure it doesn't turn into a TRA dominated sub.

We saw what happened to lgbt on Reddit. My understanding that was pretty mondaine in the beginning. Then the TRA gathered and set new policy there.

For me, and totally my personal opinion...LGB for LGb, only. LGBT for LGBTQQIAIDF+.

Hope you had a wonderful holiday season and I wish you, ad is,a HAPPY NEW YEAR 📣🎊🎉🎇