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[–]ClockworkFoolKiA Old Guard 7 insightful - 1 fun7 insightful - 0 fun8 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The admins basically take any mention of the topic as endorsement or calling for the event itself. It's no deeper than that.

They aren't interested in checking if any particular mention is either of those things, so the entire topic has to go because it's simpler for them that way.

To be fair, there absolutely are idiots out there hoping for a war. They likely aren't confined to one side of politics either, as there are just as likely to be far right nutjobs out there salivating for the chance to force the changes they want at the point of a gun just as surely as there are far left nutjobs out there right now, writing marx quotes on buildings they're burning down, trying to turn the current unrest into the revolution, no matter how many people's lives or livelyhoods they have to destroy to get it.

The best we can hope for is that both groups of idiots are as rare and as inept as they seem to be, no matter the reddit admins jumping at shadows.