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[–]RatMan29 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children) was created by one of the moderators of r/t_d. However, I would guess fewer than half the users of r/t_d have migrated there. Some object to the fact that the moderator considered putting advertising on (I haven't been there recently enough to know if he actually did). Others, including me, just think that, like r/t_d for at least the last two years, is so aggressively moderated that we can't do anything useful there.

There is an s/The_Donald here, and it seems more lively and less regimented than either of the above.

There are also lots of subs, both on reddit and elsewhere, that are at least partly spinoffs of t_d and are not as tightly moderated. At least one is invitation-only. There are also several patriots' groups on Gab that I find useful. YMMV, but the right and even the alt-right (which I am not part of, but I see their stuff from time to time) are far from being silenced.