Well, despite the claim that the Roths supposedly control the Vatican because it never paid off the loans it had with them, not only did the Vatican actually pay those loans back, but it even used the own money of the Roths in order to spread the anti-Semitic myths:
Antony Sutton wrote about how the Rothschilds were involved along with other Wall Street bankers in the funding of the Bolsheviks, so the Jesuits intentionally funded the Bolshevik movement. Not only was Lenin a former student of them, but despite the association of the Jews with Communism and it being some kind of Ultra-Zionist movement, the Bolsheviks Jews themselves were for the most part, an anti-Zionist group, that even persecuted the Jewish nationalists that opposed the regime. Now, I'm not going to completely whitewash the Jews away from the crimes, all the more when it comes to comparing it to the supposed Holocaust since I do believe there were Zionists mixed in with the Bolsheviks, but I don't think people should judge an entire group because of the crimes the worst of them commited, all the more when there was an intentional effort involving a lot of money from the Vatican in order to ruin their reputation.
The Jesuits were also supporting the anti-Semitic movements in Europe simultaneously too, with it going way back to their initial writtings in La Civilita Cattolica. The black pope Ledochowski even conspired to block the policies of Pope Pius XI seeking to condemn anti-Semitism in Europe. It should be noted that Ledochowski actually tried to push Pius XI into not only mentioning the Jews in his speech against the communist movement, but to also associate communism itself to the Jews. The truth is that the original communist regime was created by the Jesuits in Latin America way before the bolshevik revolution, which lets me to believe the Jesuits were supporting the anti-Semitic and fascist movements in order to blame them for creating communism. I'm not saying they downright controlled the fascist movements, but that they supported their anti-Semitic policies.
I'm not saying that it is enough by itself, but the fact that the Jesuits were also so heavily involved in the Soviet movements in Latin America through Castro all while controlling the CIA is a very good circunstantial evidence that the Jesuits were controlling the CIA and the KGB simultaneously as well...
Jesuit Pietro Tacchi Venturi played a vital role in Italian fascism and Mussolini's anti-Semitic policies.
“Above all I have learned from the Jesuits. And so did Lenin too, as far as I recall. The world has never known anything quite so splendid as the hierarchical structure of the Roman Catholic Church. There were quite a few things I simply appropriated from the Jesuits for the use of the National Socialist Party.”
"Wherever a totalitarian movement erupts, whether Communist or Fascist, a Jesuit can be found in the role of 'adviser' or leader; in Cuba it was Jesuit-trained Castro's 'Father' Armando Llorente..."
there doesn't seem to be anything here